Sunday, September 12, 2010

My Compelling Experience

Today was a very special and unique Sunday. In addition to the glorious fall weather, it was visitor's Sunday at our church, Living Word Christian Center. Several times each year we host a special series of weekend services where the ministry, the music and the bible message are intentionally directed at first time guests.

Annie and I vow to invite newcomers whenever we can. We seek out invitational evangelism opportunities not just because it is an integral part of our church vision, not just because I am the Outreach pastor at LWCC and should be setting the example, but mostly because in Luke 14:23 the bible says 'Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel [them] to come in, that my house may be filled.

This Sunday was special because of our guests Ingeborg and Ray. Ingeborg, a talented immigrant from Stuttgart Germany and Ray a retired postal clerk. I met Inge through our community service ministry when she needed help with yard work. A late summer wind storm caused a giant oak tree to crash into their yard last week and sweet Inge called asking for help.

In our conversations I learned that Ray had a paralyzing stroke five years ago. When I invited them to church saying that I would come and pick them up, Inge's voice lifted. I learned that they were home bound and unable to attend church without help.

What made today compelling was how this precious couple touched my heart. I watched as they lifted their hands in worship and soaked in Pastor Mac's message on Overcoming Adversity. Their genuine enthusiasm for 'such a large church' made it seem somehow very small and personal for me.

Today I saw how beautiful our church is through the eyes of a first time visitor. After I took my guests home Inge gave me a big hug and said 'we're coming back again'.

Yes. Today was special!

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