Friday, May 14, 2010

It's Time To Tip...

Have you ever asked a restaurant server who the most difficult people are to wait upon? While you are quizzing ask them when during the week they find the most difficult to wait on customers. From years of waiting on tables I can tell you what they will say.

Church people are the most difficult by far. Sundays right after church lets out is the most difficult time. These people are demanding. They are often in a foul mood. To boot their tipping stinks.

It is time to make this matter a focus we as leaders insist changes. Week after week these "believers" are doing great harm to the cause of Christ.

Consider a couple of practical steps:

1. Take on a "triple tipping" practice. From now on 30% will be considered the norm.
2. Smile a LOT when at restaurants. Ditch the complaining routine. Your server is hussling to care for several parties besides yours.
3. If you insist on praying in public make it short and sweet ("Thanks for the food God" is fine). If you aren't going to tip generously absolutely don't pray.

I've done this for years with fruitfulness. Some 30+ years ago I treated my waitress so well she married me!

Reprinted by permission from by Steve Sjogren

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