Friday, May 21, 2010

Community Outreach Ministry

Outreach ministry is important in many churches. A church is most effective if it functions as a beacon of Christ's love to the community. It needs to be a place that welcomes everyone, regardless of racial and cultural differences. Outreach that is energized by the Spirit of God will genuinely communicate God's love to others.

Community Outreach through Meeting Physical Needs
Many churches use outreach programs to meet the material needs of people in the community. For example, providing shelter for those who have been forced to leave their homes during a hurricane, flood or other natural disaster. Long-term outreach ministries are things like food banks, clothing distribution centers or small appliance or ministering to the needs of young mothers with newborns.

Some church outreach ministries offer job training for adults or after-school programs for children. These services are offered to the public. They are a way of equipping the unemployed with job skills and providing daycare so parents can work. They also serve the broader purpose of outreach of building relationships while providing Christian service to those in need. As trust increases the message of the Gospel is more readily received.

Community Outreach through Meeting Spiritual Needs
There are outreach ministries that specialize in providing services that help people spiritually and mentally. For example, counseling services, prayer hotlines, or visitation to the sick or elderly who are home bound or hospitalized.

A prison ministry is an example of a specific spiritual outreach service that strives to make a difference in the lives of the incarcerated. Church members can provide counseling to prisoners as well as comfort and assistance to their family members. If there is a chapel on site, Christians can lead Bible studies to help inmates grow in their relationship with Christ. In many cases they will help many come into a personal relationship with Jesus.

Community Outreach through Reaching Youth
Programs that reach out to youth and children are an important ministry of any church as they are the future of the church. Youth/children outreach must include activities that are young people-friendly and take place both inside and outside of the church. It is important that teens feel welcome and comfortable so they will be encouraged to return and invite others to come with them. Some examples: sports activities, video game tournaments, youth booths at local fairs or community events, opening of youth centers, etc. These activities can lead to more value orientated activities and incorporate Bible study. It is important they see God's people working together and that He can and does make a difference in our lives... both inside or out of the church building.

Reprinted from

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