Monday, April 5, 2010

Tweet Up - A Unique Invitational Idea

If you are familiar with social media, you recognize the name Twitter. Twitter is a social networking and microblogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as ‘tweets’. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to the author's subscribers who are known as followers (called ‘Tweeps’). A ‘Tweet Up’ is a social gathering where Twitter advocates meet face to face.

We have done a lot of outreach and invitational evangelism at Living Word Christian Center, including a monthly Winners Luncheon for business professionals, job fairs, senior forums, and military family support events, but Tuesday night’s Tweet Up proved to be a gold mine in our efforts to reach those who don’t know about our church.

Several months ago, Carrie Rocha, a young entrepreneur in our church, launched a coupon cutters website call Pocket Your Dollars. PYD struck a chord in the hearts of thousands of followers and Carrie has quickly become a rising star, promoting her site through social media (Twitter and Facebook) and on local radio and TV programs.

When Carrie called to ask if our church would provide space for a ‘Meet and Greet ‘event where hundreds of her followers could get to know one another, it seemed to be a unique opportunity. She suggested that her followers might like to know more about Living Word’s dollar-stretching grocery ministry called Angel Food which gave me an opportunity to present its features and benefits.

So many PYD readers signed up for the event that Carrie had to limit attendance to 250. Carrie shared the story of how her vision to help consumers weather today’s economic pressures while staying at home with her two small children became a reality.

Our goal for the Tweet Up was to expose first time visitors to our facility, to greet them warmly and to treat them graciously. Carrie’s ‘Meet and Greet’ Tweet Up event more than exceeded our expectations and opened our eyes to another novel way to create exposure for our church.

1 comment:

  1. It was an honor to be an extension of LW's outreach ministry. Thank you for the opportunity!


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