Many are quick to take credit for the decrease in crime. One factor that will never reach the public eye, but I believe has had the greatest impact on lawlessness in our community is the effort of a group of street evangelists from Brooklyn Park, Minnesota.
Several times each week for the last 23 years Pastor Nick Kinn and the evangelism teams from Living Word Christian Center have shared the love of God in the neighborhoods and on the street corners of Minneapolis. Rain or shine, summer or winter, their message has been the same; God has a good plan for your life.
Beginning in 1986 Living Word began to keep record of documented salvations by our gospel workers. This summer a young girl became the one millionth soul committed to the Lord Jesus Christ at a gas station in Brooklyn Park.
On September 12-13, Living Word will open its doors to the public at an Open House to celebrate a milestone in ministry to our community: one million souls won to the Lord in 23 years.
Lawlessness is a result of the absence of God in the life of a community. Pastor Kinn and the workers from Living Word will continue to exert a downward pressure on crime by introducing millions more God’s good plan for their life.
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