There is uncertainty in the mind of many Christians about being wealthy and being Christian. Many make the terms mutually exclusive. After all didn’t Jesus say that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God?
Rich is a relative term. Americans in poverty are wealthy compared to those in Third World countries. More importantly, I believe that a person can be wealthy and be devoted to God. It is a question of the heart.
If a person is devoted to the Lord then their heart is concerned with the things of the Spirit. God can use a wealthy person to fund ministries, missionaries, and churches. Also the wealthy can evangelize the wealthy in the marketplace like others could not.
As Christians we have assumed that because people have money that aren’t interested in God. They are, but we simply haven't created an expectation that people of financial substance will attend our churches.
That’s the part that interests me. Why should the majority of our evangelism efforts be directed primarily to the poor? Our soul winning teams typically visit the poor neighborhoods in south Minneapolis. Why not create a way for our churches to evangelize wealthy people?
That’s what I am working on right now. Stay tuned. I’ll keep you informed as my project unfolds.
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