Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Ultimate Solution

In my study time yesterday I read in Judges 2:10 how the Joshua generation that served God died and another generation grew up who did not acknowledge the Lord or remember the mighty things he had done for Israel.

It seems to me that we are facing the same predicament in the church today. Because many in the current generation of parents have not created an enduring Christian legacy in their children, churches like ours are scrambling to keep 18-20 year olds in the church, much less attracting unchurched kids to become fully functioning followers of Jesus Christ.

Mass crusades such as Rock the River go part way to solving the problem, but the ultimate solution rests with the exercise of personal influence. I appreciate the special youth friendly services our church schedules every week such as the as Fifth Service but we cannot discount the power of one-on-one relationship evangelism with unsaved 18 - 35 year.

The answer seems to once again rest with the exercise of personal influence. When we live a lifestyle that draws the attention of the sinner, we gain entrance into their lives.

The generation of Israelites that followed Joshua did evil in the Lord’s sight and served the images of Baal. And they angered the Lord so He turned them over to their enemies all around, and they were no longer able to resist them.

There is still time for us to become a people of influence. We can’t choose to live a certain lifestyle for another person but we can certainly model it for them. The ultimate solution rests in the power of influence.

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