Studies indicate that more CEO's (Christmas and Easter Only) people attend will attend church next Sunday than any other day of the year. This makes Easter the prime outreach opportunity event of the year to invite friends, relatives and neighbors to church.
In Thom Rainer's book, The Unchurched Next Door, Dr. Rainer indicates that 82% of unchurched people are at least somewhat likely to attend church if invited. What’s more interesting is that only 2% of church going people ever invite someone to church in a given year. In fact, seven out of ten unchurched people have never been invited to church in their whole lives.
To capture the opportunity that Easter presents, our church Living Word Christian Center prints and distributes thousands of calling card sized invitations to our special Easter service "Unfailing Love". Easter Sunday will be highlighted by Pastor Mac's message as well as fantastic multimedia, special music, and a repeat of last year's impacting human drama "Everything”.
This Easter I have decided to chronicle my invitational evangelism efforts. Annie and I are inviting our neighbors, an acquaintance named Dan and a relative. Check back next week as I will report the results.
If you have invited someone to church please let me know. You could have a CEO in the pew next to you on Easter!
Good article PPW! I'm impressed! :)